Flood Gates
The Red River, Atchafalaya & Bayou Boeuf Levee District serves portions of Avoyelles, Rapides & St. Landry parishes.
Levees in the district include:
Red River Levee
Big Bend-Bayou Des Glaises Loop Levee
Rigolette Levee
Mansura Hills to Hamburg Levee
Bayou Des Glaises Fuse Plug Levee
West Atchafalaya River Levee
West Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee
Flood Gates within the District

The Red River, Atchafalaya and Bayou Boeuf Levee District was created by R.S. 38:291 (M) (2). The Governor appoints one person from each parish within the jurisdiction.
The Board of Commissioners holds a public meeting, normally on the first Tuesday of each month at 9am. For more information, contact 318.443.9646.
Click the link above to learn more about current news and important links.
The RED RIVER, ATCHAFALAYA & BAYOU BOEUF LEVEE DISTRICT hereby notifies all landowners of policies and procedures in regards to the levees.
Any activities within 300 feet from the toe of the levee and all structures to be built within 100 feet from the toe of the levee must obtain a permit.
Activities include but not limited to electric, water or gas lines, direction drill, soil borings, hauling, excavation, digging, bar pit crossings, ramps, water wells within 1500 feet.
All new and existing cross fences must have a cattle guard, no exceptions.
All fences and cattle guards must meet RRABB specifications and obtain a permit.
Anything done without a permit will be removed by RRABB.
We are greatly concerned about the abuse to our levee system. Violations include, but are not limited to the following:
Destroying the surface and the slopes of the levee with vehicle riding is prohibited.
Littering with garbage, carcasses and other debris.
Illegally trespassing and shooting firearms.
Unauthorized hauling.
Vandalism of levee board structures, etc.
Any activities within 1500 feet from the toe of the levee or flood gates must obtain a permit. Activities include but not limited to electric, phone, water or gas lines, structures. Any direction drilling, soil borings, hauling, excavation, digging, bar pit crossings, ramps, water wells within 1500 feet must obtain a permit.
A permit is also required for any work inside the levee district’s 100 foot statutory easement along any levee district channel; such as a permanent structure, excavation or other activity which may impact the efficiency of the channel or the maintenance of the channel. The purpose of the permit program is to ensure that no action or activities on or adjacent to drainage structures adversely affect the overall integrity of the drainage system within the district.
RRABB has a statutory 100 foot easement located on each side of the levee or channel which is between the high bank of the levee or channel and 100 feet out from the high bank.
Nothing can be within 15 feet from the toe of the levee.
Download the PERMIT REQUEST FORMS below or email Ryan Ingles, RRABB Executive Director, to request a Permit Application. Email ringles@rrabb.net.